4th February 2025
Ceiriog Uchaf Community Council:
The Community Council met on the 4th February and these are the headlines. More detailed information will be available in the Minutes on the website: www.ceirioguchaf.org.uk
In the National News: Big thanks to all who have been involved in the recent publicity about potholes in the Valley – as many will know the concerns reached the BBC, ITV and full page coverage in the Sunday Times. Many people have been involved in this campaign but special mention to Ceiriog Uchaf Councillor Aled Jones and County Councillor Trevor Bates,
Valley Councils' Meeting: We are continuing to meet three times a year because so many of the issues; social care, potholes, reduced services, environmental care, proposed National Park, proposed Energy Park are shared concerns. If you would like the Valley Meeting to consider an issue please make contact with one of the Clerks.
Police and Crime Commissioner Grant: Thanks to the office of Andy Dunbobbin for a grant of £400 to provide social support following the devastation caused by Storm Darragh which had near fatal consequences for a local family in Llanarmon DC.
Planning Application – Pont y Mebion. The Council was really pleased to meet with the applicants and to listen to their proposals for a significant development of their property and land at Pont y Mebion. This has now been referred to Wrexham WCBC.
Environmental Grants: The Council has money remaining for this financial year for grants to promote and enhance the two Wards. Please make contact with the Clerk: at www.enquiriesclerkcucc@gmail.com.
Council Meeting December 2024
The Council met on Tuesday 3rd December and 9 members of the public were present. These are the headlines. Full minutes will be available on www.ceirioguchaf.co.uk
As many people will be aware, the flooding and damage done to Safle from Storm Conall could have led to loss of life. Our best wishes go to the family who have survived a terrible event with the flooding of their home. The Council, Police, Ambulance Service and Fire and Rescue want to say a huge thankyou to all who were involved in their support of the family and the care and attention they received. It was an amazing community response.
A public meeting was held on the 26th November with 94 people attending. An indicative vote was taken and 7 people voted in favour of the proposed National Park. At the Council meeting in December, it voted on the following Resolution. ' As a result of the Public Consultation Meeting held on the 26th November 2024, the Ceiriog Uchaf Community Council does NOT believe that the introduction of the proposed National park is appropriate'.
5 Councillors voted in favour of the Resolution and 2 abstained.
The next meeting of the 3 Community Councils will be held on Wednesday 15th January at 7.00pm in the Oliver Jones Hall, Dolywern.
The mobile library which comes to the villages once a month will be changing to a Friday afternoon to allow it to link up with the community hub. Councillor Jane Claybrook or Freja Swogger can provide you with details if required.
Cllr Bates confirmed that there is a constant need for new potential foster parents, to come forward to offer a home to children of all ages. Applicants will be vetted and when confirmed they will be offered significant training and financial support.
The Community Council is aware of the proposals from a private company for the installation of up to 27 turbines and for a storage plant to be built in Corwen. Several Councillors attended the consultation meeting and believed that it was too far in the future and too vague for any discussion to take place at this stage. We will keep this on our agenda.
Council Meeting November 2024
The Council met on the 5th November and these are the headlines. Formal minutes will be uploaded when approved next month.
North East Wales National Park (Proposal) -Public Meeting
The Council discussed the various consultation events about the proposals for a fourth National Park in Wales. It was decided that we should hold a public meeting for our residents to that we can faithfully represent your views. We are going to hold the meeting on Tuesday 26th November at 7.00pm in the village hall. Please come along.
The Precept - Raising Money for the Council.
It was approved that for the financial year 2025-2026 we will ask that we be given £10,000 from the Wrexham Council Tax. This remains the same as last year and will go to pay donations, emergencies, CCTV, cemetery and graveyard, audit fees, ad hoc maintenance and modest remuneration to Councillors and the Clerk.
Environmental Grants.
We are pleased to say that the Council approved one more application for a Grant under our local scheme. One to the school (£210) for a range of interesting initiatives to encourage children to study nature. Money is now beginning to run out, we have about £250 left so please put in an application if you can think of something.
Wales in Bloom
We are becoming partners with other Community Councils along the Valley to enter into the 'Wales in Bloom' competition in 2026. Cllr Claybrook is representing us and if you are interested in joining her then please make contact.
Council Meeting October 2024
The Council met on the 1st October and these are the headlines. Formal minutes will be uploaded when approved next month.
Environmental Grants.
In July and June we mentioned that the Community Council has set up a small fund for ANYONE to apply for small grants for environmental purposes in Tregeiriog and Llanarmon. We currently have £750 left in the fund. Please contact Miles Matile for more information.
National Park Proposals.
There will be a further public consultation at the Canolfan, Glyn Ceiriog on the 16th October - all day. National Resources Wales is getting close to making specific recommendations to the Welsh Assembly so please try and get along to let them now your views.
How we spend YOUR money!
At this time each year the Council begins to plan how much money it will need for the next financial year. When this is decided we produce a budget and then set a Precept which is a local tax and which Wrexham Council will ask you to pay. At the moment an average Council Tax Band D property is contributing £62.50 a year.
Do you have ideas to help the Council decide what its spending priorities should be? Is there something that we should be providing but we are not? Is there is something in Tregeiriog or Llanarmon that needs attention? Please let us know.
Council Meeting September 2024
The Council
met on the 3rd September and these are the headlines:
Graveyard and Cemetery.
These are two areas that are very important to us and we want make sure that they are maintained as best we can within our available budget. A small planning and working group has been set up involving members of St Garmon’s PCC and the Community Council. We are also very pleased to have several residents involved. The group will have money to pay for services and we want to keep this as ‘community-owned’ as possible so we will be tendering locally, f you are interested in helping us design and further develop beautiful and environmentally-friendly areas then please make contact with either the Church or the Council
Valley Council Meeting
In June the 3 Councils along the Valley, Glyntraian, Glyn Ceiriog and Ceirog Uchaf had a joint meeting. We are all facing very similar issues and challenges (like pot holes!) and we thought that we might be more effective if we worked together, sharing how we are individually dealing with problems and trying to find solutions. Our next meeting is in September and we plan to meet regularly through 2025.
National Park Proposal
National Resources Wales has published a report from the responses it received from the first public consultation. From 900 replies, NRW says that 51% of people are in favour; 42% against and 6% undecided. There will be more public consultations from October onwards and we will make sure we people know.
20MPH Zones
We have been informed that Wrexham Council is now consulting on which roads should be 20 MPH and which should be changed. Please contact Wrexham Council or County Councillor Trevor Bates
Council Meeting July 2024
The Council met on the 13th July and these are the headlines.
Graveyard and Cemetery - Public Meeting 22nd August St Garmon's Church
For the last 6 months a small working group has been looking at all things related to both the graveyard and cemetery. We are holding a public meeting on Thursday 22nd August at 7.00pm. The purpose of the meeting is to find out what the community thinks we should do with ownership and maintenance of the two areas of land. Please come along - it wont be a long meeting and there will be cake!
Environmental Grants
The first environmental grant under our new scheme was awarded for the upkeep of flowers and tubs and planters.
Grants can be awarded for any environmental purpose - we have a simple form or the Clerk can assist in completing it.
Council Meeting June 2024
The Community Council met on Tuesday 4th June and these are the headlines:
Environmental Grants
We have previously mentioned that the Council has established a modest fund to promote and support environmental initiatives within Tregeiriog and Llanarmon. The Council approved the first application this week.
The only limit to these grants is imagination. Anything to improve the environment will be considered. Please talk to one of the Councillors if you are not sure. We have a very user-friendly application form on our website www.cerioguchaf.co.uk or the Clerk can complete for you. Applications will be considered each month until the money runs out!
Potholes...again and again and again!
The Council discussed this problem and again and we want to ask anyone affected to take action! Wrexham Council is responsible and they really need to be told or nothing will happen and it will only get worse as we begin to head for winter.
We advise the following to be the most effective way of dealing with this.
See a pothole
Take a photo on your phone
Use Wrexham’s Pothole ‘Report It’ Webpage and upload
It is very user-friendly and Wrexham are required by the Welsh Senedd to respond.
To help us coordinate can you send a message to equiriesclerkcucc@gmail.co.uk
Graveyard and Cemetery – We Need your Help
We have reported on this before and we are now taking next steps. We really do not know who owns the land. Because of this we cannot undertake simple things to conserve and make it attractive for our village.
Going forward we will announce a Public Meeting – please support this.
Environmental Fund
This year the Council has established an ‘environmental fund’ – a modest amount of money (10% of the Precept) which we would like to use to enhance the villages of Llanarmon and Tregeiriog. The Council adopted a bio-diversity policy last year and we hope to use the money to develop this along with the more traditional flowers and plants. We would be very pleased to receive ANY ideas and proposals as to how the money could be spent. Do you know where a hanging basket or tub or planters would benefit? The Council would be prepared to consider a range of initiatives and we would ask that in the first instance that you e-mail the Clerk on enquiriesclerkcucc@gmail.com. OR please use the form following the link and send it to the Clerk who will submit it to the next Council meeting.
Environmental Grant Application
Following the Annual Meeting on the 21st May the Council approved the Annual Report which can be found by following the link.
Annual Report 2023-2024
Very sorry for the late notice but we to change the day of our meeting.
Please come along!!!
10th April 2024
The Community Council met on the 9th April and these are the headlines:
Environmental Grants
This year the Council has established an ‘environmental fund’ – a modest amount of money which we would like to use to enhance the villages of Llanarmon and Tregeiriog. The Council adopted a bio-diversity policy last year and we hope to use the money to develop this along with the more traditional flowers and plants. We would be very pleased to receive ideas and proposals as to how the money could be spent. Do you know where a hanging basket or tub or planters would benefit? The Council would be prepared to consider a range of initiatives and we would ask that in the first instance that you e-mail the Clerk on enquiriesclerkcucc@gmail.coom.
Citizens Advice Bureau Project
We are very pleased to be financially supporting the CAB pilot which began last month. At the present time we are struggling to find a location in the upper end of the Valley which offers a secure wi-fi. We don’t want anyone to miss out and if you need assistance to make contact with the CAB out-reach workers can we ask you to contact Christina Brewin our Community Agent on glynceiriogcommunityagent@gmail.com or ring her on 07908 373003
Annual Meeting – ‘Come and Meet Your Councillors’
We are holding our Annual Meeting on Tuesday 14th May at 7.00 in Llanarmon Village Hall. This year we want to open this meeting up to our communities to provide an opportunity to meet your Community Councillors. There will be a little bit of business but the main reason is to allow questions to be asked and hopefully answered; to listen to concerns and discuss some of the issues that affect us all like potholes! the proposed National Park, off-roading. Please come along -there will be refreshments.
8th February 2024
Operation Cinnamon
North Wales Police through our PCSOs Martin and Gareth and with our Community Agents Christina and Davena are organising 'Operation Cinnamon' on Friday 1st March.
The event will take place at the Oliver Jones Hall, Dolywern over lunch time and it is aimomg to provide advice, information and reassurance to elderly residents.
It is free so please drop-in.
6th February 2024
The Community Council met on the 6th February and these are the headlines.
National Park Proposals
National Resources Wales has contacted local Councils to confirm that the area designated to form the National Park is considered to have enough natural beauty(!!) so the next stage of the planning process will now take place. It is anticipated that there will be a series of public consultations later in the year when the draft boundaries to the park will be on display. We will keep you up to date with any developments and dates of meetings.
Pot Holes.... Again
Thanks to several Councillors we are beginning to plot the pot hole problems along several key roads. We want to create a record of what is happening so that we can submit this to Wrexham Council on a regular basis and also to allow us to film, photograph and record deterioration from one year to the next. Wrexham Council is struggling with its finances with Highways under particular pressure. As a Council we are aware that there have been many past requests for repairs which have not resulted in much work being completed. As such we need to keep this a top priority and hope that a pictorial record will help. .
Community Agent
As you know Christina Brewin is Ceiriog Uchaf's Community Agent who offers one day a week to this part of the Valley. The Council was pleased to hear that her contract has been extended for a further 12 months by Wrexham.
Citizens Advice Bureau Worker
In a previous edition of the Glyn News we confirmed that there is going to be a CAB worker coming into the Valley and we are hopeful that this will commence in the late Spring. We will provide details as we know them.
5th December 2023
Council Meeting
The Community Council met on the 5th December and these are the headlines.
Community Christmas Lunch
A huge thankyou to all the volunteers who made the Christmas meal such a fun event. A lot of hard work and organisation paid off with over 70 people attending.
Citizens Advice Bureau coming here?
Thanks to colleagues from the other two Community Councils who are putting together ideas which might allow a year's pilot of CAB surgeries along the Valley. There is a significant demand for CAB services and it can be difficult to make contact with the organisation. The Community Council wants to be part of this initiative and commit some money to get it off the ground. More news next year.
A small working group are putting together some ideas to allow the Council to have more say over how the cemetery is run. At the moment we have no influence over when the grass is cut, or the trees pruned and services currently provided by Wrexham Council are under pressure. Increasingly the Community Council is looking to fund certain things and we have had a real worry over a grave that has been infiltrated by tree roots. We know of two trees that will need to be felled at significant expense. We are preparing to hold a public consultation early next year before we make longer-term financial decisions.
The Precept is the way that the Council is funded. It is based on the number of houses within the two Wards, Tregeiriog and Llanarmon. For many years we have been financed at a very low level - in fact the third lowest in Wrexham. However this year we need to begin to review this level because of increasing responsibilities. More money is going to be required for the cemetery; we want to be part of the CAB pilot; we are now required to provide an allowance for Councillors. We have been running on our reserves for a while and these need to be replenished. More details will become available but we estimate for the average Council Tax Band D property this will mean a rise of 50 pence a week. Less for Bands A-C and more for Bands E-I.
7th November 2023
Council Meeting
The Community Council met on the 7th November and these are the headlines:
Mobile Phone Signal Update
The good news is that there is a mobile phone signal in the Valley but at the moment it seems that it is only available to EE customers. We have been in contact with the consultants and the contractors but there is no start date yet…. for users of O2, Virgin, Vodaphone. We will keep everyone updated.
Agricultural Thefts in the Valley
We are hearing of several local thefts of expensive agricultural machinery over the last month. Trailers (especially Ivor Williams) are being targeted and taken over the border so please be vigilant and keep livelihoods safe..
National Park Update
Following the meeting at the Canolfan in October can we please get questionnaires back to National Resources Wales. The questionnaires will provide an initial idea of your views about the positives or negatives of a National Park. This is only the start of the consultations but early feedback will give NRW a sense of what residents in the Valley think about a Park.
Centenary Events
Sunday 5th November at the Oliver Jones Hall in Dolywern saw the last day of the last event. From a little planning meeting in Llanarmon in November 2022 to a whirlwind of activity which saw the first event in July and six more then followed. We believe that over 750 people have attended overall which has been a fantastic response, which has humbled and excited the organisers in equal measure. So many people to thank for all their time and creativity.
We are truly grateful to you all.
14th October 2023
Proposals for North East Wales National Park Update
National Resources Wales (NRW) came to the Canolfan on Wednesday to start their ‘engagement’ process to consult with communities about the proposals for a National Park.
We are told that no decisions have been taken however the process for creating Wales’ Fourth National Park is under way.
NRW is the ‘Designated Authority’ to evaluate the case for creating a National Park based on the existing Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Senedd Cymru have asked for consultations to be undertaken to allow it to decide by 2026.
NRW will follow a statutory process which includes consultations. A recommendation will be made to the Welsh Government based on the evidence that has been gathered. If there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate that the statutory criteria related to National Beauty and opportunities for open air recreation are met, and that the area is of such national significance that National Park purposes should apply, then a recommendation will be made for the Senedd to consider.
NRW has created an ‘Area of Search’ which shows the geographical limits within which the criteria for a National park will be considered. The Area Search is not the boundary and there will be future refinement. Llanarmon and Tregeiriog are very clearly in the middle of the Area of Search
NRW want to ensure early engagement and give us an opportunity to feed into the process from an early stage.
NRW would like people to complete a questionnaire by the 27th November 2023
North East Wales National Park Designation Project - Engagement Period 2023 - Natural Resources Wales Citizen Space - Citizen Space (cyfoethnaturiol.cymru)
Phone 03000 653000
Paper (Freepost for returns)
Copies of the questionnaire will be at venues around the villages or speak with your local Councillor.
3rd October 2023
Council Meeting
The Council met on Tuesday 3rd October and these are the headlines.
Centenary of the Non-Flooding.
By the time you read this - all our events to mark the non-flooding of the Valley will be over. They concluded with an art exhibition at Dolywern. The 8 events have all been a triumph and attended by several hundred people and viewed by many thousands more through the S4C broadcast. So many people to thank for this team effort over the past 12 months of planning. We wonder if future generations will look at all brochures and exhibition items 100 years on?
Mobile Phone Signal Has Arrived.
Just in case this has passed unnoticed we can confirm that a mobile phone signal has finally arrived in Llanarmon and Tregeiriog. We had been told that to start with it would be restricted to Vodafone and Hutchison providers but it seems that EE is available too with a strong-ish signal in the middle of Llanarmon. The engineers say that even if there is a power cut then there will be limited coverage available.
Cemetery and Graveyard
Last month we said that a working group is being set up to advise the Community Council about the long-term options for the ownership and the maintenance of the cemetery. Since that time we have had several telephone calls to say that it has been difficult to find graves because of the length of the grass. At the moment Wrexham Council cuts the grass- 3 times a year but we have no control over when that happens. Matters have been worse by the recent industrial action which has led to all staff from Environmental Services not on strike, being reassigned to other duties. This has meant no grass cutting. Please bear with us. Several Councillors are going to cut the lawned area themselves.
Please keep in contact with the Community Council by talking to your local Councillors and reading the latest news on www.ceirioguchaf.co.uk
22nd September 2023
Mobile Phone Signal has arrived!
Just letting people know that a mobile phone signal is available for some if not all in Llanarmon - certainly people using EE will have it.
Please pass on the message
5th September 2023
Council Meeting September 2023
The Community Council met on Tuesday 5th September and these are the headlines. Full minutes will be available following the October meeting.
Graveyard and Cemetery
The Graveyard and Cemetery have been a source of difficulty since the winter for various reasons. This has led the Council and the Parochial Church Council of St Garmon's to look at who owns what and where does responsibility lie? For instance Wrexham Council cuts the grass and will deal with Listed Trees but deny responsibility for anything else. We have seen minutes from former Councils like Glyndwr that it has taken responsibility for work but Wrexham have said that when they took over Clwyd (who took over Glyndwr) County Council back in 1996 the cemetery did not pass to them. So we are setting up a Working Group to try and sort some issues out for future generations. If you would like to be involved then please let Miles Matile or Freja Swogger or Lorna Mills know.
Centenary Events
Well done for all who appeared on the recent S4C programme about the Centenary and how we are marking it. Dates for your diary are on the programme and include
Sunday 17th September at 11.00 St Garmon's Church-Chapel-Village Service
Saturday 23rd September at 10.00 Walk around the 'Hendre Reservoir'
Saturday 30th September at 10.00 Walk around 'Llanarmon Reservoir'
Friday 7th October at 7.00pm in Llanarmon Village Hall- Ceiriog Valley Poets A concert of songs
Thursday 19th October at 7pm in Llanarmon Village Hall - A presentation by Hafren Dyfrdwy Water Company.
National Park Proposals
Please see a previous note below (01/08/2023) A representative from the Council went to a preliminary meeting in Cefn Mawr to get more information about these proposals. A lot of work is going to be done by National Resources Wales in 2023/2024 drafting provisional boundaries. There will then be a series of public consultation meetings in 2024/2025 with final plans going back to Senedd Cymru in 2026.
Details are still emerging but there seems to be a proposal that any new National Park if approved- will be a hybrid version of the existing AONB and a new Park which will offer more flexibility and possibly less regulation. More information as it becomes available.
Please keep in touch with us via the Council Web-site www.ceirioguchaf.co.uk
1st August 2023
Council Meeting August 2023
These are the headlines from the August meeting
Community Agent: We are really pleased to confirm that Christina Brewin has been funded to provide a day a week for the Ceiriog Uchaf Valley. Our thanks to the Glyn Ceiriog Community Council and Wrexham Council for making this possible. Christina can be contacted about a range of social issues and she will be able to provide help or signpost you to other services. She can be contacted on 07908 373003.
National Park. We have been contacted to say that National Resources Wales are undertaking a series of community consultations about the potential for a National Park. At the moment Ceiriog Uchaf is just on the border of an Area of Outstanding National Beauty and this is being reviewed. When there is more information we will publicise it on our Website. www.ceirioguchaf.co.uk
Centenary Events: Lots of events are being planned for the next few months. There are brochures everywhere. A great start at the Institute on the 15th July. This is to be followed up by a Church-Chapel-Village bi-lingual service. music and talk at St Garmons on the 17th September at 11.00. Please come along.
Mobile Phone Signal: It's getting closer! Work is now being done on the mast on the Cwm Road which will make it ready for mobile operating companies to connect. More information as we get it.
Community Drop-In: This is still meeting on Fridays 12.30-4.00 at the Centenary Hall. No charge, just drop-in for drinks and cake and chat. 25 people came last week! Thanks to all volunteers for making this such a successful idea.
Post Huts!! Does anyone know about these? An article on the BBC about a post-hut in mid-Wales prompted a possible sighting in Llanarmon DC and possibly in Tregeiriog. In past generations when posties mainly walked or biked everywhere, rest-huts were provided for shelter. If you know anything can you contact Cllr Freja Evans Swogger of Cllr Claybrook - their details are on the website www.ceirioguchaf.co.uk
24th July 2023
We have a Community Agent for Ceiriog Uchaf!
Christina Brewin
Community Agent for Glyn Ceiriog &
Ceiriog Uchaf.
Covering Glyn Ceiriog, Nantyr, Pandy, Tregeiriog & Llanarmon DC
Offering FREE advice and information and connecting you with key local services.
Contact me:
Email: Glyn Ceiriogcommunityagent@gmail.com
Phone or text: 07908 373003
Working hours are Wednesday and Thursday 10am - 6pm.
Saturday morning 9am - 1pm.
Available for phone calls Monday and Tuesday evenings between 6pm - 8pm.
Here to help!
15th July 2023
Our Centenary Programme
Big thanks to all who have been involved with the planning of 7 Centenary Events during 2023.
A Programme of Events is now freely available - thanks to funding from the Ceiriog Uchaf Community Council and private donations. There are copies all along the Valley.
The events planned include:
Saturday 15th July The Opening Ceremony at the Memorial Institute where there is an informative exhibition of all details of the proposed flooding and how it was stopped.
Sunday 17th September: Service at St Garmon's Church Llanarmon. In a church that was to lose its people to the reservoirs, seasonal songs and traditional instruments will celebrate the continuing life of the community.
Saturday 23rd and 30th September: Guided 'Reservoir' Walks
Saturday 7th October: Beirdd Dyffryn Ceiriog. Llanarmon Village Hall. A concert featuring songs by our famous poets that will transport you back to their very different times.
Thursday 19th October: Water. So what is the water situation today? Llanarmon Village Hall. Find out from a talk by Craig Williams from Hafren Dyfrdwy
Saturday and Sunday 4th and 5th November: Art Exhibition. Oliver Jones Hall Dolywern. Work produced by artists and writers in response to the Ceiriog Reservoirs Centenary on the theme of water in all its aspects.
4th July 2023
Council Meeting July 2023
The Council met on the 4th July and these are the headlines.
Centenary Events: We are very pleased to confirm that there will be 7 events to commemorate the 'non-flooding' of the Valley. The Exhibition at the Glyn Ceiriog Institute on the 15th July will start things. The Mayor of Wrexham will be in attendance and this will be followed up by a television crew from S4C. A programme designed by Sylvia Jones is now available which gives details of all the planned events at various locations along the Valley. Please come along and join in there is really something for everyone from walking, art, music and celebrations!
Community Agent. Whilst not quite confirmed by Wrexham Council we are so grateful to Christina Brewin for making a start in contacting people in Ceriog Uchaf. We are very confident that her additional day in the Upper Valley will be formalised very soon.
Off-Roading: Great response to Wrexham CBC's request for information from residents about the impact that off-roading is having. This will be followed up by a court case on the 17th September when Wrexham Council will be taking an off-roader supporters group to trial in a test case.
13th June 2023
Council Meeting June 2023
The Council met on the 13th June and these are the headlines:
A MOBILE PHONE SIGNAL IS GETTING CLOSER: An email from the planning company of the 5th June indicated that ‘extension and preparatory work had been completed’ and the site was to be made available to operators (Vodafone and Hutchinson initially), to install their equipment. Completion date for this is uncertain.
LICENCING OF SHOOTS: The Council debated the recent proposal that all shoots should be Licenced which could be revoked at any time. The Council was unanimous in its opposition to this proposal and will write to National Resources Wales
CENTENARY: Events are being planned to recognise the Centenary of the 'Non-Flooding of the Valley in 1923.
17th September 2023 St Garmon's a joint church-chapel service with music is planned - hopefully an outdoor event upon the soil that was saved.
At other dates there will be guided walks; an art and Welsh Culture exhibition; A public presentation from Hafren Dyfrdwy; an Exhibition at the Memorial Institute.
TELEPHONE BOX REFURBISHMENT: At last!! Thanks to BT for sending Andy the painter.
13th June 2023
New Councillor
The Ceiriog Uchaf Community Council was very pleased to receive the Declaration of Acceptance from Aled Jones of Tregeiriog following his appointment as Co-Opted Councillor on the 23rd May 2023. Aled will remain a Councillor for the Ward until the next elections in 2027. His contact details are on the 'Councillor's Page'
10th May 2023
Library Visiting Times
The mobile Library will be at the Village Hall on the following dates between 11.00-12.00
May 12th
June 9th
July 7th
August 4th
9th May 2023
Council Meeting May 2023
The Ceiriog Uchaf Community Council met on the 9th May and these are the headlines:
- OIL TANKS: IS YOUR LOCKED? North Wales Police informed us that there have been a number of thefts from oil tanks recently and oil is now very expensive.
- POLICE RESPONSE TEAMS : North Wales Police are hoping to add two additional officers to help with call-response in the Valley. The Ceiriog Uchaf Council unanimously expressed its appreciation for all the work that PCSOs Martin and Gareth are doing to make our communities safer.
- WARM HUB becomes COMMUNITY HUB: Please don't forget that we are still meeting every Friday afternoon from 1.00pm-4.00pm in the Village Hall. Come for tea and coffee and cake and chat! All are welcome.
- POT HOLES: Please keep reporting them to Wrexham Council.
- CENTENARY- 100 YEARS COMMEMORATION. The Council was informed that we are getting close to finalising ideas to commemorate the non-flooding of the Valley 100 years ago. More details about events and walks and music and art will be coming out shortly.
9th May 2023
The Council held its 2023 Annual Meeting. Please click below for the Annual Report:
Annual Report 2023
25th April 2023
Annual Meeting 9th May 2023
The Council will be holding its Annual Meeting on Tuesday 9th May at 7.00pm in the Centenary Hall. This is a short Public Meeting - please come along.
6th April 2023
Council Meeting 4th April 2023
The Ceiriog Uchaf Community Council met on Tuesday 4th April and these are the main headlines. Please go to www.ceirioguchaf.co.uk for more details
Community Agent: We are so pleased to be able to announce that Christina Brewins the community agent for Glyn Ceiriog, is going to have a day a week dedicated to the Upper Valley. More details will follow. Christina’s number is in Glyn News if you need to make contact before the arrangements come out. We are very grateful to Glyn Ceiriog Community Council for making this possible.
Vacancy on the Council: We have a vacancy for a Co-Opted Councillor. Closing date is the 21st April. Please email the Clerk on enquiriesclerkcucc@gmail.com for more information.
‘Warm Hub’ becomes ‘Weekly Drop-In’: A big thanks to all who are helping with the ‘Warm Space’ our weekly get together on a Friday afternoon. Due to its popularity it is going to become the Weekly Drop-In at the Centenary Hall. Come and join us for tea, cake and chat!
Pot Holes -That Sinking Feeling: Pot holes are fast becoming the big worry after the winter in the Upper Valley. We need to take action so can you please do the following:
REPORT: Nothing will be done if nothing is reported. Report it to: Wrexham Council: Report It: Potholes’
ACT: We will have more success if we act together. So if you report it then please let the Community Council know on enquiriesclerkcucc@gmail.com and we will keep a list. We will set up a page on the Website if there is sufficient response.
CLAIM: If the matter is reported and nothing is done over a reasonable period of time and your car is then damaged, you may be eligible to make a financial claim against the Highways Department
20th March 2023
The next local blood donation session will take place at the Hand Hotel , Chirk on Wednesday 5th April. More details when we receive them from the Blood Service.
11th March 2023
Please go to Planning Information Page of this website for most recent applications.
10th March 2023
Tree Branch in New Cemetery
To let everyone know that the Community Council is aware of the fallen tree branch which is now blocking the entrance to the new cemetery. Our thanks to Ifan Richards for letting us know. The tree is now blocking access to the cemetery and we are asking people to be very careful.
The cemetery is a responsibility of Wrexham Council so we have contacted the Tree Officer and asked them to organise the removal the tree and if possible to cut up and leave the wood for people to collect and use.
Jon Brewin is the Council's Tree Development Officer and he came out to inspect two trees in the cemetery on the 1st March so he knows the area well.
8th March 2023
Our Environment
The Council met on the 7th March 2023 to consider its 'Biodiversity and Resilience of Eco-systems' action plan. We are pleased to report that the Council approved the action plan as it reflects what we have been trying to achieve over the past few years.
Please talk to your Councillor if you see things about our environment that cause concern and that we need to bring before the Council.
The Council's Biodiversity and Resilience of the Eco-System Action Plan
8th March 2023
A Vacancy on YOUR Council
Could you become a Councillor and represent your community? We have a vacancy. This is such an important role which can get so much achieved. It is one meeting a month for 2 hours when we get to hear about the successes and challenges facing the Llanarmon and Tregeiriog wards. We have the authority to spend money to improve our area. We want your experience and passion to help keep the upper valley beautiful for all to enjoy. More information from Miles Matile Clerk on enquiriesclerkcucc@gmail.com. Co-option Notice
Closing date 21st April 2023
7th March 2023
Tackling Off-Roaders and Trial-Bikers. North Wales Police Press Release
Off-road motorcyclists were targeted by officers in the Glyn Ceiriog area over the weekend following reports of bikes being ridden dangerously and illegally.
Operation Blue Takeoff, which tackles the illegal use of off-road bikes, took place on Saturday, March 4th and Sunday, March 5th.
It saw Wrexham Rural officers working with the Intercept Team, Drone Unit, the off-road motorcycle team and the local council to tackle increasing reports of anti-social riding in the valley.
It comes as the lack of maintenance on lanes in the area over the years has created perfect conditions for off-road motorbikes, which have been used as a scrambling track, specifically a route that has been temporarily restricted for traffic by the council from Pentre Llanarmon Dyffryn Ceiriog to Pen Bwlch Llandrillo.
As a result, some residents have reported they no longer feel safe walking, horse riding or cycling in the area.
A drone invisible to those on the ground was deployed as part of the operation to target those driving dangerously and any offenders driving bikes without an MOT, insurance or a valid licence.
In total, officers carried out:
· More than 20 motorcycle stop checks.
· Community engagement with over 100 trial bikers, offering advice around road safety.
PCSO Gareth Jones said: “The Ceiriog Valley has for so long had issues with anti-social driving, with trail bikes and 4x4 use in the area along the tracks.
“It has caused a lot of distribution for locals and tourists, and in recent years, the number of incidents reported in the area have been increasing.
“We do patrol the area and engage with the community as much as we can, but of course, it is impossible to be there 24 hours a day, especially given the isolated nature of where these incidents occur.
“Operation Takeoff was a great opportunity for us to engage with several legitimate organised groups to explain the concerns of residents and to highlight the closure of the wayfarer. We also carried out more than 20 stop checks on off-road bikes, which I am pleased to report were all without any issues.
“We urge anyone who witnesses anti-social driving in the area to contact officers of 101, or via the web chat.”
3rd March 2023
Village Telephone Box
Thanks to the co-ordinated requests to BT-Openreach from the Community Council, County Councillor and residents, we have now had confirmation that the village telephone box will be re-painted at some point in the Spring/Summer (2023). As a sign of intent BT-Openreach has been out to fix the broken panes of glass this week.
The telephone box is a Listed Feature and still owned by BT-Openreach. Given the lack of mobile signal coverage this box continues to offer a lifeline. We have been informed that BT-Openreach intend to disconnect it in 2025 and after that a decision will need to be taken as to what we want to happen to it in future years.
3rd March 2023
Next meeting of the Centenary Steering Group will take place on Monday 13th March at 6.00pm in the Llanarmon Village Hall. All welcome - please come along.
8th February 2023
Warm Space Initiative
Great collaboration between the Centenary Hall Committee and friends at St Garmon's sees the start of the Warm Space Initiative at the Centenary Hall.
Every Friday from 12.30 -4.00pm at the Centenary Hall. Free soup, coffee, tea and conversation. Bring your dog if you would like! Just turn up!
Contacts for more information:
Jane Claybrook on janeclaybrook70@hotmail.co.uk
Lorna Mills on enquiries@lornamills.co.uk
7th February 2023
Council Meeting 7th February 2023
Huw Morus Monument. The Council met on the 7th February and was pleased to report that the memorial to Huw Morus the Nationally celebrated 'Nightingale of the Ceiriog' has been restored. Thanks to the Chairman Keith Benning for his perseverance and to the owner Martin Obbard, for giving permission and finances and for CADW and the Glyn Ceiriog Community Council for their financial support. Please go and visit!
Off-Roading in the Valley. This continues to be a major problem, not least the damage done to private property and the environment of our beautiful valley. In recent weeks thanks to Cllr Bates and Cllr Dave Berriman we have had a lot more attention paid by the Welsh Assembly Member and the North Wales Police. We need to keep reporting incidents and problems so please send anything you see to Miles Matile, Clerk to the Council on enquiriesclerkcucc@gmail.com
Centenary Celebrations - There is a steering group which is coordinating events to mark the Centenary of the 'non-flooding'. A provisional programme is being developed with our partners in the Church, the School, Centenary Hall and Institute. Please get involved and help us. The date of the next meeting will be on the Council Website or contact the Chair of the Steering Group davetremyglog@gmail.com
7th February 2023
The mobile library will be coming back on Monday 13th February
There are usually a small selection of returned books to browse, but the main purpose of the visit is so people can collect previously-ordered books which people can select and order online by visiting www.wrexham.gov.uk/libraries and following the links. If you are not already a library member, a temporary membership can be issued online though this link. Library cards can also be issued if you visit the pop-up library on the 16th , bringing proof of identity and address.
16th January 2023
Casual Vacancy on the Community Council
Wrexham County Borough Council confirmed on the 16th January 2023 that no person had sought to be elected and because of this the Council will now proceed to a process of Co-option to fill the casual vacancy. More details will be made available after the Council meeting of the 7th February 2023.
14th January 2023
Centenary News
There will be a further meeting of the Steering Committee for the Centenary Commemorations on Monday 30th January at 6.00 in the Llanarmon Hall.
Please come along to bring your support and ideas.
Dave Berriman will be pleased to here from you and he can be contacted on
14th January 2023
Great News! We have had it confirmed that under the 'Shared Rural Network Initiative' the UK Government is investing £1bn to sort out the 'NOT SPOTS' - those areas that our mobile phones can not reach, which for us is most of the Upper Valley. There is an existing mast on the Cwm Road to provide a signal for emergency services and this is going to be upgraded during the next 2/3 months to allow for companies to provide a mobile signal for commercial and domestic users. Initially we think it will be Vodafone and Hutchinson however we hope this will extend to other companies later on. More news to follow.
11th January 2023
After many months of negotiation, the slimmed-down mobile library is now ready to resume visits to our end of the valley.
Starting on Monday 16th January, the smaller 'pop-up library' van will be visiting the Centenary Hall in Llanarmon monthly between 1.30 and 2pm. There are usually a small selection of returned books to browse, but the main purpose of the visit is so people can collect previously-ordered books which people can select and order online by visiting www.wrexham.gov.uk/libraries and following the links. If you are not already a library member, a temporary membership can be issued online though this link. Library cards can also be issued if you visit the pop-up library on the 16th , bringing proof of identity and address.
10th JANUARY 2023 7.00pm Centenary Hall, Llanarmon
National Resources Wales. Some sharp-eyed amongst our community have noticed quite a bit of work being conducted along the Ceiriog (see October/November 'Glyn News'). We are going to hold a presentation evening with a representative from NRW who will be talking about what they are doing. Please come along.
This will be followed by a Council Meeting
Council Meeting 6th December 2022
*The Council wanted to thank the Davies's for all their work in making the centre of Llanarmon so attractive. The finger-post has been restored and looks wonderful. Please come and look!
* The Council agreed its 'Precept' (the amount we will ask for in terms of financial support). With the cost of living being so difficult for so many, the Council decided not to ask for any increase on last year's Precept and that despite this representing a reduction in real terms, we will manage our resources accordingly.
* We had a really successful meeting of the Centenary Steering Group with lots of representatives present. We are planning a second meeting in early 2023 and there will be some more news on the Community Facebook page. Please get involved with us on this.
* We agreed in principle to having another 'Community Agent' be present in the Upper Valley. We are hopeful that Wrexham Council will fund 350 hours a year of a person's time to work with us to support local people in different ways. More news to follow.
* We have a VACANCY on the Council - we will be notifying that we intend to hold an Election or Co-Opt a person to fill the role of Councillor and this will be advertised in late December - see Election Information page
Council Meeting 1st November 2022
* We are
looking to see if we can commemorate the Centenary of the saving of the Valley.
In 1923 many in the Ceiriog survived the Warrington Corporation Water Bill,
which if enacted, would have flooded a section of valley destroying many homes,
livelihoods and much history. The Council is looking at ways of joining with
other valley communities, Councils and organisations to recognise this. If you
have ideas or want to help please contact Miles Matile
* Huw Morus Monument, Pont y Meibion. The Council was very pleased to receive a Grant from CADW for the refurbishment of this historic monument which celebrates the life of a great Welsh poet. We hope to have it restored early next year.
* We are looking at the potential for another Community Agent for these two Wards in the valley and hope to make a decision soon. The Council is looking for ways that we could best use the time a Community Agent brings - so ideas would be very welcome. enquiriesclerkcucc@gmail.com
• National Resources Wales. Some sharp-eyed amongst our community have noticed quite a bit of work being conducted along the Ceiriog (see last month’s Glyn News). We are going to hold a presentation evening with a representative from NRW who will be talking about what they are doing. Please come along on Monday 10th January 7.00pm Centrnary Hall Llanarmon